
05.17.2021 | 6'' read

Yawning through RSA conference week

by Ryan Naraine

[ Security Conversations thanks the following sponsors for supporting the production of our high-signal, low-noise coverage of the cybersecurity industry: EclypsiumSecurityWeek and  Uptycs ]
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Monday blues. 

It’s RSA Conference week and, quite frankly, I’m yawning through most of it this year.  There’s just no way to replicate the in-person experience where RSA offsite networking drive a lot of deal-making, hirings and vendor partnerships. This year, it feels staler than usual and the year-long Zoom/headphone fatigue means that no one is excited to watch another virtual presentation with poor camera/microphone settings.

That said, I’ll be helping to facilitate Sounil Yu’s deep dive on the Cyber Defense Matrix, helping RSA attendees to create new use cases, create roadmaps, map incidents and figure out business constraints. For more on the Cyber Defense Matrix, listen to my conversation with Sounil on expanding use cases in modern security programs.

Next week, I’ll be appearing at SecurityWeek’s threat-intel summit, hosting a fireside chat with Tom Rid, professor of strategic studies and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and moderating a panel of CISOs discussing the value of threat-intelligence to defenders.

A closing note, to security marketers, are you seriously proud of seeing your name in this scrolling list of paid-for participation trophies? Terribly embarrassing, for all involved.

On a much more positive note, congrats to cybersecurity lifer Adam Ely for landing the CISO gig at Fidelity Investments.


On to the newsletter.  

New podcast – Charles Nwatu, Security Technology & Risk, Netflix.
​🎧  On the show this week, I visited with Netflix’s Charles Nwatu to talk about his career pivot from U.S. government service into the private sector and the challenges of running security at some of Silicon Valley’s fastest moving companies. On this episode, Charles talks with passion about the exciting parts of compliance and risk management; and why newcomers should consider working in SOCs to kickstart cybersecurity careers.

Upcoming guests:

  • Collin Greene, head of product security, Facebook.
  • Heather Adkins, director, information security, Google
  • Anne Marie Zettlemoyer, vice president, security engineering, Mastercard

Full conversations are available on the home page, and on all major platforms — AppleGoogleSpotify and Amazon.

[ SPONSOR MESSAGE: Eclypsium Enhances Enterprise Device Integrity Platform ]

The unmanaged attack surface is actively being targeted. Eclypsium announces a new platform extension allowing organizations to extend visibility and security beyond traditional endpoints to now include network and unmanaged devices.  Learn more.


Hardware security.
The DarkSide ransomware madness.
Car hacking.
Supply chain security.

Cloud things.


Have a fantastic week.


PS: The podcast is available on all platforms (AppleGoogleSpotify and Amazon).  As the kids say, like and subscribe, like and subscribe.


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