
05.03.2021 | 6'' read

Security vendor ‘awards’ are meaningless

by Ryan Naraine

Hi friends, a quick reminder: On Thursday, May 6 at 12p EST, I’ll be moderating a live discussion with head of Uptycs threat research Amit Malik on the recent MITRE Engenuity FIN7/Carbanak evaluation. Register here and come with your questions

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Monday blues.  

Security marketers, let’s have a very short talk. Watch this YouTube video and tell me honestly, would you purchase anything from this man?  Why are so many of you celebrating these nonsense awards from his organization?  Look at this list, if everyone wins, how is anyone winning?

We complain a lot about FUD and snake-oil ruining this industry but so many reputable companies are getting sucked into this pay-for-an-award-logo that turns you in a bit of a laughing stock among educated buyers.

Stop buying these fake awards. You’re doing yourself and your company a disservice.

On to the newsletter.  

New podcast – the mystery of AS8003.

​🎧  On the show this week, I scored an interview with Kentik’s Doug Madory on the mysterious appearance of once-unused IPv4 space belonging to the U.S. DoD and the bizarre timing and connection to an obscure Florida company now managing the world’s largest honeypot. Listen here.

Sponsor message: Going on the ATT&CK versus FIN7 and Carbanak

The 2020 MITRE ATT&CK vendor evaluation results have been released! This is the first time the evaluation has focused on financially motivated criminal groups, in this case Carbanak and FIN7, which heavily target retail and financial services industries. Uptycs was among 30 vendor participants in this round and this blog looks at the significance of these threat groups and breaks down the fascinating simulation and evaluation process.

0day watch.

Supply chain.

The ransomware epidemic.

Coolest hacks.
Spectre mitigations defeated.
Essential reads.
Proper open-source projects.


This was pretty cool to see in the wild.  Shoutout to the podcast listener who sent in the photo!

​Have a great week and reach out with things I should be doing better.


PS: The show is available on all platforms (AppleGoogleSpotify and Amazon).  As the kids say, like and subscribe, like and subscribe.


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