06.22.2021 | 6'' read
Upcoming Black Hat conference shenanigans
Some personal thingies, as planning continues for a subdued Black Hat/Defcon hacker summer camp in Las Vegas in early August. A book signing cabanacon, live podcast recordings, etc.
Read06.07.2021 | 8'' read
The definitive SBOM FAQ, ransomware as terrorism
A note on the passing of longtime Qualys CEO Philippe Courtot, the new language of Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) and likening ransomware incidents to terrorism.
Read06.01.2021 | 5'' read
Extending SBOMs to the firmware layer
The reality is that the tech below the OS is an alphabet soup of complexity and security problems we just can't see. It's refreshing to see .gov carrying on this conversation in such a transparent manner. Even for firmware, SBOM is coming and you should start preparing for it.